A shirt that touches lives around the world.

We have such exciting news to share!

As you know, each year our Preferred Partner, Feeding the Orphans, uses 100% of the profits from your shirt purchase to fund orphan care initiatives. However, this year, they've gone even a step further. In an effort to be the absolute best stewards of every dime entrusted to them, Feeding the Orphans has made some exciting changes to how their shirts are made. This year, when you order the official Forget the Frock shirt from Feeding the Orphans, your fair-trade produced t-shirt will have been sewn in Haiti by a non-profit organization that trains and employs young adults that are aging out of orphanages. This high-quality shirt is then shipped from Haiti to the United States, where it will be printed by American workers before heading to you, the purchaser of the shirt.

Not only will Feeding the Orphans be using 100% of the profits for orphan care, the shirt manufacturer is a non-profit that trains and hires orphans as they reach adulthood AND uses their profits to care for child orphans in Haiti. That means that with every single Forget the Frock shirt you purchase, you will touch the lives of orphans in Haiti and in Africa. Now that is awesome. 


Check out this amazing video that gives all the details of this incredible partnership. 

Another year of Forget the Frock begins

Yesterday we launched our 2017 Forget the Frock campaign. We unleashed an army of Ambassadors and together with you guys, we linked arm-in-arm and began to share the message of this movement. It is so very simple. Wrapped up for us right there in James 1:27.

“To care for the Orphan and the Widow.”

Please hear me when I say six years ago we didn’t start out to create some grand movement among people, we just did something incredibly simple. Something we honestly felt God was just calling our family to do. We chose to buy a t-shirt that supported a friend's daughter's budding charity rather than an Easter dress. That’s it. 

When I try to think about the story God has written (and is still writing) with Forget the Frock… I see so many things, see the beginnings of so many stories. But, when I pull back… take a back seat view and dream… here’s what I see.

Emily and her younger sister in their Easter frocks. 

Emily and her younger sister in their Easter frocks. 


That’s me. Me, in all my "frocked" glory. There in the dress my grandma made me, with curls and a basket and a hat--because THERE WAS ALWAYS A HAT. 

While this picture is precious and floral (really, really floral) the only story that it could possibly tell is how Kentucky humidity is no match for a good set of sponge rollers in my hair. My view, my dreams are so limited.

The story I see God writing with Forget the Frock looks so much different than that picture.

The story I see God writing is the story of a generation of hearts changed and traditions altered. A story where we stand up and say there is too much pain, too much hurt, too much injustice in the world and we will NOT allow it to continue unanswered. WE WILL DO SOMETHING. And that "something" can be as simple as choosing a t-shirt over our normal Easter outfit. 

Because of this beautiful movement God is weaving together, the stories I get to share with my children will be ones of how their Easter shirts care for the orphan, keep families together, rescue the trafficked victim and defend the oppressed.  Life-changing stories and life-changing impact. 

To those of you who are joining us, thank you! I hope your heart has been softened to the hurt in the world and I hope you can see how your simple shirt can tell a beautiful story. 


A New Look and More!

Well, what do you think? Like the new website?

We have been working hard to update and clarify our website and get everything ready for the 2017 Forget the Frock Easter campaign. It seems so far in the future, doesn't it? But in reality, we are just 15 weeks from the launch of the 2017 campaign. Yikes!

Our team and our long-time partners have been working behind the scenes to prepare for what we hope will be the largest and most successful campaign yet. We have visions of working alongside our followers to feed more children and care for more women than ever before, spreading the Good News and the love of Christ through your small Easter sacrifice. But we are really going to need YOUR HELP!

As you cruise around the website, make sure you visit the page to Become an Ambassador--we need you out there telling everyone about Forget the Frock.

Invite your church to get information on our Church Hosts page--they can learn all about the movement and how they can host their own Forget the Frock campaign, either in support of one of our Partners or even a local ministry or outreach that they already engage.

And if your Women's Ministry or MOPS group is looking for a great speaker, visit our About Us page, where you can read about how Emily is speaking at events to empower women to live out their God-given potential in service of the Kingdom.

And don't forget to check back often, here on the blog or on our social media pages: we'll be featuring stories from some of our recent events and bringing you our annual Purposeful Giving guide just in time for Christmas!
